7 most widespread gasses that you can find in your home.
Everyone has seen dust particles floating in their home, which look relatively harmless. But in addition to dust, there is also an invisible world in your air, where fine dust, dust mites, molds, and fungi fly around, which can all cause health problems – especially for asthmatics. It’s absolutely essential to heave a smart ventilation system in any midern home.
In fact, our homes are a proper carnival of gases and organic particles, which can directly affect the quality of life of our families. In this article, we’ll look at some of the more common gases and organic compounds and explain what they are, how they get into our homes, and how they affect our health.

1. Carbon dioxide or CO2. Carbon dioxide is food for plants. Plants absorb CO2 and use it in photosynthesis to produce oxygen for us. Humans and animals inhale oxygen and exhale CO2. Therefore, when people (and animals) transport in an enclosed space, a lot of carbon dioxide is inevitably produced. The longer you spend in a poorly ventilated room, the less air there is. Familiar? High levels of CO2 in a room can cause headaches, drowsiness, and overall decreased performance, resulting in poorer sleep and less ability to concentrate. High CO2 levels also have an inhibitory effect on children’s ability to learn
2. Carbon monoxide is produced, among other things, also when carbon-containing materials are not completely burned. Here, we are not talking about the deadly amount of carbon monoxide produced when living spaces catch fire, but about the fact that carbon dioxide is produced in some amount in every home today. Carbon monoxide is usually produced through leaking furnaces, smoking, and other combustion processes at high temperatures. For example, when food gets burnt or candles are burned at home. In other words, everything that burns produces carbon monoxide. Unlike carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide is highly toxic, poisoning symptoms include headaches and other flu-like symptoms. In higher concentrations, it also affects the work of the heart and nervous system
3. Nitrogen oxides are usually produced by the burning of fossil fuels, but in our homes, they are produced by gas stoves, boilers, and ovens, especially if the ventilation system in the apartment is poor. These compounds can enter the room in urban environments through open windows and an outdated ventilation system. Nitrogen oxides damage the respiratory tract, and in higher concentrations, they also damage the lungs.
4. Formaldehyde is a strong-smelling gaseous compound commonly found in renovated or new homes. It enters the indoor air through adhesives or woodworking materials used in construction. Formaldehyde causes eye irritation and is a carcinogenic substance.
5. Volatile organic compounds (VOC) are carbon-containing organic compounds that evaporate at room temperature. VOCs, come from many different sources, such as building and furnishing materials. They are also found in the products we use daily, such as cleaning products and paints, hair sprays, and other aerosols. High VOC content is usually found in newly built or recently renovated buildings. VOCs directly affect human health and cause dryness and irritation of the eyes, nose, and throat, headaches, and dizziness.
6. Radon is a colorless and tasteless gas that occurs naturally in dry land and can accumulate in dangerous quantities in living spaces. Uranium is in the ground, which decays into radium, turning into radon gas. In its gaseous state, radon enters homes through cracks in walls, basement floors, and even the foundation. When radon gas breaks down, radioactive by-products are created, the inhalation of which can cause lung cancer.
7. Ozone is a gas with a distinctively pungent smell. Although we know that the ozone layer protects us from the sun’s radiation, ozone still finds its way into our homes. Ozone gas also indirectly causes traffic pollution. Ozone also reaches people’s homes through open windows and outdated ventilation systems. It is a gas that is very harmful even in small quantities and can cause respiratory – and eye irritation.
In conclusion – your home must be well-ventilated, and Airobot ventilation devices are equipped with CO2 organic compounds and humidity sensors that measure your air quality. If Airobot senses a decrease in air quality, it automatically switches to a more intensive mode and ensures a more sustainable indoor climate.
In addition, the right (or wrong) temperature and humidity affect how people feel. It’s acceptable when the humidity level is between 40% – 60%. Too dry air is bad for the respiratory system, while too humid air can cause mold and fungi, the particles of which in turn start flying around in the air.
Airobot ventilation systems recover heat and humidity, which means that moisture is collected from the air that the ventilation is taking out and brings it back to the living spaces. By combining this with the Airobot central humidifier, we can ensure a constant ideal humidity level in your home.