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Client story: Why choose a humidity recovery ventilation?

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Magnus and Anna renovated an apartment in an old wooden house and chose a humidity recovery ventilation. ‘You really start to care about humidity when it suddenly drops too low,’ says Anna.

The story of the home of Magnus and Anna: In the summer of 2017, my partner and I bought our first real home in a wooden house, built at the end of the century before last. We started the complete renovation of the apartment on our own, which took two and a half years, in total. Building on our own during our time off work took a lot of time, but the result was worth it. Only the supporting beams of the ceiling and floor and the load-bearing walls remain of the old apartment. The rest, from the utility systems to the interior decoration, had to be rebuilt.

My partner, whose day job is in the construction industry, was sure from the start that there was no point in cheaping out on the ventilation system. The reconstruction of the apartment transformed the drafty ‘naturally’ ventilated structure into a rather air-tight and warm living space. It is better to build a proper ventilation system immediately instead of having to start tearing down ceilings in a few years to build a new system. So, when we built the ceilings, we led ventilation pipes to all rooms.

It was only two years later, when the apartment was about to be finished, that we got around to deciding on the ventilation aggregat. One thing was certain: the unit had to have efficient heat recovery. As our apartment also has a small steam room, we needed a device that could very successfully detect increases in temperature, humidity, and CO2 levels in the ventilated air. In addition, during our first winter spent in the apartment, we were already exposed to the overly dry air that plagues many homes in Nordics, so humidity recovery became crucial in the choice of the unit. As the apartment has less than 70 square metres of floor space, we wanted an optimally sized unit: there is no point in installing a unit that is better-suited for a private house, i.e. a unit the capacity of which is far greater than our needs.

As you can see, there were many criteria. Initial discussions with ventilation system companies gave the impression that the kind of equipment we were looking for did not exist. Not to mention fitting it into our budget. Asking around among acquaintances and in several Facebook groups revealed a new name for us: Airobot. Luckily for us, Airobot was about to launch its new ceiling-mounted L model in the autumn of the same year – 2019 –, which met all our expectations and fit into our budget much better than the Airobot S models. The decision was made. We visited their stand at a building fair, chatted to the knowledgeable Airobot team, got answers to all of our questions, and placed our order.

We were able to install and configure the device ourselves thanks to the product manual and our prior knowledge. It is easy to use: most of the time, the device operates in automatic mode. We do not need to adjust or fiddle with anything on a daily basis, because the device does everything itself to keep the air in the room at exactly the humidity, temperature, and freshness we want, with low electricity consumption. The feared drop in humidity has not occurred: thanks to Airobot, the humidity returns to the rooms after ventilation. When we heat the fireplace, we turn on the fireplace mode and have sometimes ventilated the rooms with the Boost mode.

I have already recommended the Airobot ventilation units to several friends and acquaintances who are building their own homes, as we have had nothing but pleasant experiences with the product and service. For those who are hesitant to opt for a slightly more expensive model of a humidity recovery ventilation unit, we definitely recommend this extra feature, especially in apartment buildings. You really start to care about humidity when it suddenly drops too low. All the other good features are already included in the base model price, so there is no need to worry about them. For those who like solutions that work, Airobot is a reliable choice.

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